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Scorching heat continues in Columbia: Tips to stay cool in triple-digit temperatures

Heat Index temperatures will be above 100 Degrees
Credit: Erin Walker

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The heat index in Columbia is expected to remain above 100 degrees for the next several days, with actual air temperatures approaching the century mark. 

Known for its famously hot summers, Columbia is set to live up to its reputation this week.

As temperatures soar, residents have already begun finding ways to beat the heat. Wendy Garner and Maya Livingston, Columbia locals, shared their thoughts on the scorching conditions. 

"I am over the heat," Garner said, laughing.

On downtown Columbia's streets, people sought relief from the sweltering temperatures.

"Lots of water, play with the kids that I watch, and enjoy ing ice cream and cold snacks," one person said.

"We’re staying hydrated with coconut water," Livingston said.

With temperatures expected to stay above average through the week, here are some essential tips to beat the heat:

  • Avoid the sun during peak hours.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Take breaks when outside.
  • Wear light and loose clothing.
  • Use a damp cloth to cool down.
  • Opt for fruits over protein in meals.

High temperatures and high dew points will create humid conditions, making it even harder to cool off. When the body sweats, evaporation typically cools it down. 

However, sweat can't evaporate as effectively in humid air, increasing the risk of heat exhaustion.

Additionally, it's crucial to check your vehicles before exiting. At 90 degrees outside, it only takes 10 minutes for a car's interior to reach 109 degrees, 20 minutes to hit 119 degrees, 30 minutes to climb to 124 degrees, and within 60 minutes, the temperature can soar to 133 degrees.

Temperatures will slightly cool by late week but are expected to remain above average into the next weekend.

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