COLUMBIA, S.C. — If you have ever wondered how the City of Columbia decides how to spend Hospitality Tax or Accommodations Tax fund monies, now is the time to get involved with local government and find out.
The City is seeking to fill eleven vacancies on the Hospitality Tax (H-tax) Committee, which reviews applications for hospitality funding and makes funding distribution recommendations to City Council. Six of the positions must come from the restaurant or catering industry and five must come from at-large businesses within the city. Terms of service are for two years.
Seven vacancies are open on the City's Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee. Of the seven positions, four must be designated hospitality industry representative (of these four, two must be from the lodging sector), one must be a cultural interest representative, and two may be at-large businesspersons/citizens in the community. Terms of service are for two years.
Applicants for either board or committee must be a resident of or work within the City limits. Applications can be downloaded at and are due no later than 5 p.m. Tuesday, September 6, 2021.